Jobs & Karriere in Kiel

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Are you looking for a new job, want to gain experience in an internship or take your first steps in the world of work? At Kiel-Marketing, there are many different tasks and areas where you can get involved.

Here you will find current job advertisements, apprenticeships and internships as well as temporary and seasonal jobs. Our vacancies are updated regularly. So it's always worth taking a look!

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Kiel-Marketing as an employer

Kiel-Marketing develops the communication of the state capital under the brand Kiel.Sailing.City:

  • about growth in tourism
  • about events and planning in city and downtown management
  • about business location advertising
  • about international sailing events and maritime events
© Matthias Masch, Kiel-Marketing e.V.

Kiel-Marketing is organized as an association and as a limited company (GmbH). 400 companies, institutions, and citizens as well as the state capital as a shareholder in the GmbH bring money and commitment together with a common goal:

Joining forces and resources so that Kiel wins.

Are you part of this city? Do you do your business here? Do you love the quality of life in Kiel? Do you want Kiel to sail further ahead? There is no better platform than Kiel-Marketing to contribute to this!

© Jan-Michael Böckmann, Kiel-Marketing e.V.

The mission statement of Kiel-Marketing e.V. and GmbH

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