Volle Holstenstraße

Kiel opens up!

The success story

Kiel's retailers are pulling together. With Ich fühl mich Kiel , Kiel's retailers are positioning themselves with an exclamation mark in the national competition under the leadership of Kiel Marketing.

Since 2011, district centers, shopping centers, large grocery chains and Kiel's city center have joined forces in the joint Sunday opening campaign. With four carefully selected annual dates, the shopping location presents itself with a refreshingly maritime shopping experience.

The joint goal of strengthening Kiel's position as an important retail location in the region and attracting visitors from the surrounding area to the city as well as the citizens of the state capital is being pursued.

From the retail perspective of all participating locations, I feel Kiel is measurably responsible for the increase in visitor frequency and sales. Frequency increases of up to 35 percent and sales increases of 10-20 percent have been measured. Remarkably, this success applies equally to all participating districts and centers.

The campaign is based on a media triad: radio advertising, print media (KN special supplement for every opening) and billboard advertising in the city and surrounding areas. The partners participate in the joint annual budget according to a transparent participation formula. Kiel-Marketing is responsible for operational implementation.

Ich fühl mich Kiel Plakat Bauernmarkt

Make a note of the next Sunday opening dates here:

Become a partner of ICH FÜHL MICH KIEL

Benefit from the success of the joint Sunday opening campaign and show your colors together for Kiel as a retail location!

we will be happy to advise you on the conditions of participation:

 Johannes Hesse<br>Head of City and City Management<br>Tel.: <a href="tel.:04316791051">0431/ 67910 51</a><br>Mail: <a href="mailto:j.hesse@kiel-marketing.de">j.hesse(at)kiel-marketing.de</a>