Drohnenbild von der Windjammerparade auf der KiWo

Cooperation with Kiel-Marketing

Here you will find information in plain language on how you can work with us as a company.

There are 4 areas on our website.

Icon Unternehmen

About us

In the "About us" section, we show you which areas we work in and who is part of our team. "About us" is divided into four topics. You can see these topics below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the hand and the three figures, you will be taken to the "About us" section.

Icon Mitglieder und Partner

For members and partners

In the "For members and partners" section, we show our partners all the important information and dates. "For Members and partners" is divided into four topics, which you can see below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the figures and the information sign, you will be taken to the "For members and partners" section.

    All other companies will find important dates for co-operation here.

    Hosts and city guides can register on this platform to make their hotels and city tours visible to tourists. Tourists can then book them.

    Here you can find our logo for friends of Kiel.Sailing.City.

    You can subscribe to our newsletter here to keep up to date with the latest news.

Icon Über uns


In the "Collaboration" section, we show you which companies we work with. "Collaboration" is divided into seven topics. You can see these topics below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the two hands shaking, you will be taken to the "Collaboration" section.

    Here you can find out which companies work with us.

    Here we tell you how our KIELGUTSCHEIN campaign works.

    Here you can find out when, where and how you can organise conferences with us or watch them.

    Here we explain in 5 steps how to become a good landlord.

    Here we show how other companies can take part in our events.

    Here we show how other companies can present themselves in our catalogues, flyers and other print products.

Icon Downloads


You can download many of our documents in the "Downloads" section. "Downloads" is divided into four topics. You can see these topics below. If you click on the small arrows on the right, you can read more about them. You can also click on the topics that you find interesting. This will give you even more information. If you click on the picture above of the paper and the arrow, you will be taken to the "Downloads" section.

    Here you will find calls for the opportunity to take part in our events.

    Here you will find research and figures on tourism in Kiel.

    Here you will find reports on our work in recent years.

    Here we show how other companies can present themselves in our catalogues, flyers or other print products.

Icon Webcam


You can access our two cameras under the "Webcam" section. Here you can see the harbour of Kiel and the Falckensteiner Strand in the real moment. If you click on the picture above of the camera, you will be taken to the "Webcam" section.

Icon Lupe


If you click on the magnifying glass above this text or at the top right of the page, you will be taken to the "Search" page. There you can enter words and search for topics.

Icon Logo von Kiel-Marketing

Home page

Click on our logo here above this text or at the top left of the page. This will take you back to the homepage of our website.