Kooperation und Arbeitskreise von Kiel-Marketing

Working groups and cooperations

Find out more about the cooperations and working groups in which Kiel-Marketing is represented.

Take a stand
Committee work

In close cooperation with administration, politics and external consultants, Kiel-Marketing actively plans and steers the development of the state capital.

In numerous working groups, Kiel-Marketing takes the stand of city, tourism and location marketing, represents the interests of its members as well as partners and successfully keeps KIEL.SAILING CITY on course.

A selection of the committees:

  • City Center Forum
  • AK Retail (convening)
  • Science marketing working group
  • Transport marketing working group
  • Central Gaarden working group
  • Bicycle Forum
  • Kiel Forum (culture)

We are happy to take your concerns to the committees! Simply get in touch with us. We listen to your concerns, ideas, proposed solutions and questions.

 Your contact:<br>Johannes Hesse<br>Business Unit Manager<br>Tel.: <a href="tel:0431-679100">0431 / 6 79 10-0</a><br>Mail: j.hesse <a href="mailto:j.hesse@kiel-marketing.de">(at) kiel-marketing.de</a>
© Jan-Michael Böckmann

Representation of downtown at federal level:
Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland e. V.

The Bundesvereinigung City- und Stadtmarketing Deutschland e.V. (bcsd) was founded in Berlin in 1996. As a federal association, it represents over 450 city and downtown marketing organizations from all over Germany. The main objective of the bcsd is to promote a vital and functioning city center in cooperation with citizens and representatives from various sectors such as living, working, shopping, recreation and urban design. The association supports the development of city marketing through new issues, expertise and networks for the city of the future. As a professional association, the bcsd also represents the interests of city marketing at federal and state level and cooperates with numerous companies in areas such as consulting, communication, urban design and marketing services.

 Your contact:<br>Johannes Hesse<br>Business Unit Manager<br>Tel.: <a href="tel:0431-679100">0431 / 6 79 10-0</a><br>Mail: j.hesse <a href="mailto:j.hesse@kiel-marketing.de">(at) kiel-marketing.de</a>

Gemeinsam mehr:
Marketing cooperation cities in Schleswig-Holstein

The marketing cooperation "Städte erleben Schleswig-Holstein e. V." (MakS) was founded in October 1999 and is the official representative of the tourist towns in Schleswig-Holstein. As one of five recognized tourism marketing organizations in the state, the association plays an important role. Current members include the towns of Ahrensburg, Bad Segeberg, Eutin, Flensburg, Friedrichstadt, Glückstadt, Husum, Kiel, Lübeck, Mölln, Neumünster, Norderstedt, Plön and Rendsburg.

The main idea behind the marketing work of MakS is to promote city trips to Schleswig-Holstein through targeted measures. To this end, the association designs eye-catching campaigns that stand out from the competition thanks to their creative and innovative approach.

In its marketing work, MakS relies on close cooperation with Tourismus-Agentur Schleswig-Holstein (TA.SH) and is actively involved in the development and implementation of the Tourism Strategy 2030 for Schleswig-Holstein.

 Your contact:<br>Uwe Wanger<br>Managing Director<br>Tel.: <a href="tel:0431-679100">0431 / 6 79 10-0</a><br>Mail: <a href="mailto:u.wanger@kiel-marketing.de">u.wanger (at) kiel-marketing.de</a>