Stadtführung mit Influencern durch Holstenstraße


Here you will find all the important dates for Kiel-Marketing. From industry get-togethers and influencer meetings to general meetings. 

Review of our successful 3rd influencer event
Influencer events

27 influencers from Kiel and the surrounding area addressed the topic of Kiel's city centre development on September 5, 2022.

Why does Kiel look the way it does? What did certain places in the city look like in the past and what is actually behind the face on Asmus-Bremer-Platz? These and other questions were answered by influencers from Kiel and the surrounding area on Saturday, September 5, during a joint tour with Kiel architect Felix Schmuck and city centre manager Jonas Lasse Godau. The aim was to communicate the development steps and construction measures transparently and prepare them for the public in an understandable way. After the start at the new Welcome Center Kieler Förde, reference was made to upcoming projects, such as the Holstentörn staircase, as well as to measures that have already been completed, such as the Holstenfleet. After the city tour ended at the Pop-up Pavilion at the Alter Markt, the participants rode on the Sprottenflotte bikes to Camp 24/7 on the Kiellinie. While enjoying delicious food from Dean & David at the boat harbour, they networked and exchanged ideas. Finally, we sailed on the Kiel Fjord.

More impressions can be found on our channel in the highlights:



The aim of Kiel-Marketing is to inform trade fair visitors about Kiel.Sailing.City as a travel destination and to offer them advice. With new products and interesting events, a trip to Kiel.Sailing.City should be made attractive.

You can meet Kiel-Marketing 2023 at the following trade fairs:

boot Düsseldorf

Boot Düsseldorf is the world's leading water sports trade fair and boat show. In addition to boats and yachts, boating equipment and yacht technology, the highlights also include diving equipment, surfing and kite accessories as well as canoes and fishing equipment.

Ferie for Alle, Herning (DK)

The largest and most successful vacation fair in Scandinavia with more than 1,100 exhibitors welcomes around 60,000 end consumers and trade visitors.
Kiel-Marketing presents itself to the Danish public interested in travel with its own stand.

Your contact persons:

 Katharina Volpp<br>Kiel-Marketing e.V. <br>Andreas-Gayk-Str. 31<br>24103 Kiel<br>Tel.: <a href="tel.:04316791016">0431 / 67 910 16</a><br>E-mail: <a href="">k.volpp(at)</a>
 Greta Sophie Strauss<br>Kiel-Marketing GmbH<br>Andreas-Gayk-Str. 31<br>24103 Kiel<br>Tel.: <a href="tel:04319012909">0431 / 901 2909</a><br>E-mail: <a href="">g.strauss(at)</a>