Kieler Förde von oben Kreuzfahrer

Studies & concepts

Information on arrivals, overnight stays in Germany and abroad as well as statistics on the accommodation industry and other key tourism figures from Schleswig-Holstein and Kiel can be found at - Statistics for Industry, Trade and Services.

The following studies can be downloaded here free of charge. To view the documents, you need the Acrobat Reader program which you can download here.

Savings Banks Tourism Barometer Schleswig-Holstein 2022

The 2022 annual report of the Savings Banks Tourism Barometer provides a profound evaluation of the last few months, a realistic assessment of the economic importance of the industry and orientation values for the coming years.

Regional tourism development concept Kiel Fjord 2030

The Kiel Fjord 2030 Tourism Development Concept (TEK) contains an analysis of central (but not all) key tourism topics, defines overarching tourism objectives and identifies a number of future and action areas that are to be considered significant for tourism development up to 2030.

Kiel Fjord 2030 Regional Tourism Development Concept

Executive summary (569 KB), status: 01.11.2019

Strategy concept (7 MB), status: 01.11.2019

Tourist development concept (TEK) LTO Kiel Fjord 2030

Report section Infrastructure implementation concept (2 MB), as at: 30.09.2019

Regionales Tourismus-Entwicklungskonzept

Brief study: Securing tourism value creation in the state capital of Kiel

Since 2008, the regional economic importance of tourism for the state capital of Kiel has been calculated every two years, and since 2016 also for the Kiel Fjord LTO. The results of the value creation calculations are one of the statistical bases of the TEK Kiel Fjord 2030. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the state capital of Kiel also recorded a disastrous 2020 travel year and a demand trend for 2021 that was also impacted by the pandemic. With regard to the regional economic importance of tourism for the state capital, this brief study takes a look ahead to the goal of maintaining the major tourism industry value creation successes of 2015/2017.

Brief report Brandmeyer City Brand Monitor 2020

Since 2010, the year of the first Brandmeyer City Brand Monitor, the topic of the "city as a brand" has gained unprecedented momentum. Since then, numerous cities and municipalities have set up new brand processes and much has been researched, written and discussed on the topic of "city as brand". Cities have changed, as have the perceptions and needs of the population.
Was has changed? What has remained the same? Which cities have caught up in the perception of the population? And how well positioned are the cities for future issues from the perspective of the German population?

To this end, a population-representative survey was conducted with 10,000 respondents, which included the 50 largest cities in Germany.
Die Rankings in the City Brand Monitor expressly do not reflect how strong the cities are "objectively" in the various areas, but how they are "subjectively" perceived by the German population .

Further studies and concepts:

    Tourism should not only "produce" guest arrivals and overnight stays, but also create prosperity and welfare locally and improve the quality of life for the local population. Around the world, and also in Schleswig-Holstein, there are therefore discussions about the attitudes of residents in vacation regions towards tourism and how any shortcomings can be identified and remedied.

    Analysis and evaluation of the hotel market with regard to the realization of new hotel projects in the state capital of Kiel. The focus was on questions relating to the market, hotel concepts and the economic impact on the city of Kiel.

    Client: Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Technology of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
    Implementing institute: dwif-Consulting GmbH in cooperation with the Institute for Management and Tourism of the West Coast University of Applied Sciences in Heide

    The state capital of Kiel has published an economic report for the first time. It provides a description and analysis of the location as well as a presentation of economic activity and the economic situation. Among other things, the report contains information on urban development projects and stories from and about Kiel's economy as well as a selection of key figures from the Economic Monitor in graphic form.

    Results for 2017 | Status: July 06, 2018
    Commissioned by: Kiel-Marketing GmbH
    Conducted by: N.I.T. - Institute for Tourism and Spa Research in Northern Europe GmbH

    Client: Kiel-Marketing e.V.
    Implementing institute: inspektour GmbH, GfK Travel & Logistics | Brand and Customer Experience, Nuremberg and Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT) of the West Coast University of Applied Sciences, Heide

    Client: Kiel-Marketing e.V.

    Realization: N.I.T. - Institute for Tourism and Spa Research in Northern Europe GmbH

    Results for 2015 | Status: August 11, 2016
    Commissioned by: Kiel-Marketing GmbH
    Conducted by: N.I.T. - Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa GmbH

    (Update of the overall tourism concept 2008)
    Client: Kiel-Marketing GmbH
    Realization: N.I.T. - Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa GmbH

    (Update of the overall tourism concept 2008)
    Client: Kiel-Marketing GmbH
    Realization: N.I.T. - Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa GmbH